Makeup is a Passion, Fashion is the Soul
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DREAM BIG AND WELCOME ! You can and will achieve more today! Believe in yourself and make it happen!! First, face whatever causes you to be stagnant or disturbed. Acknowledge and own it, then fight this issue. Do not let it be victorious in your life, fight it! Last, you must move on and make every effort to forget about it. Easy? Of course not! Challenging? Yes, and it is possible. It is possible to live with it and not live by or be governed by it. Face It, Fight It, Forget It™. This website is dedicated to enhancing your overall image, from head to toe. At iknowfaces, makeup is a passion and fashion is the soul ©. We help you discover the importance of your inner beauty. This is a constant work in progress; in the meantime, we work effortlessly to enhance your outer image. If you look good, you feel good. In both the SERVICES and CLASS€S section(s) of the website, you will find information about the various ways we can assist you. These sections will define the services and give you a breakdown of the session(s). We believe in the development of your inner beauty, as well as your outer beauty. It is so easy to focus our attention on the well being of others and to forget about ourselves. Let us help you to focus on yourself, for at least a minute. If you are not happy, nobody around you will be happy. You must have one of the SOUL COUTURE™ Sparkling Tee’s. They can be found in the PRODUCTS section. They are handmade, using swarovski crystals, and the messages are unique. The services that we offer are rewarding and amazing. The overall experience is life changing. Awesome! Technically, there are no rules in fashion; however, there are those who believe…Image is everything. Therefore, it is important to enhance your image and our services are here to assist you. Thank you for visiting this website. We appreciate your patience, as this site is a continual work in progress. Enjoy your stay and select the service(s) of your choice. We look forward to helping you achieve your goals. At iknowfaces, makeup is a passion and fashion is the soul ©.
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